

The 提升领导力学院 is designed to instill leadership qualities and perspectives that mold everyday actions. We believe this empowers individuals to lead from wherever they find themselves at the moment, 无论是在家里, 在工作中, 或者作为社区的一员.

布莱克山地区未来的成功取决于积极主动, visionary leaders that lead strategically and progressively towards the common good of all.  提升领导力学院培养激情, 动机, 以及了解我们社区如何运作的参与公民, 状态, 地区, 国家影响着人们的日常生活.    

This Leadership Program aims to attract 参与d citizens from across the Black Hills 地区 and provide them with the background, 独特的经历, 以及在社区中担任领导职位所必需的洞察力. 参加ELI的领导力课程将建立自信, 教授有价值的技能, 确定自己最大的优势, 并赋予个人最大限度地获得成功的机会. ELI的毕业生将提升他们自然的服务欲望, 参与, 领导和激励他人加入他们,取得更大的成功. Together we will discover the vision and continue to develop partnerships with a purpose to elevate the 地区 for all.   



一旦你迈出了看似很小的一步,雇佣了你的第一个员工, 你的整个业务动态可能会发生变化, 因为你不再只对自己负责. 如果你的最终职业目标是成为一名成功的企业家, 发展你的领导能力是拼图中必不可少的一块, and can help you gain the skills necessary for building and managing high-performing teams.


实现内部提升的效益, companies need to provide a pathway for their employees to develop the skills necessary for success. 投资于专业发展计划, 比如领导力培训, 这是一个有效的方法吗. It can also improve employee retention: Statistics show that employees would stay with a company longer if it invested in helping them learn and grow professionally.




Many established organizations follow a strict hierarchy in determining who to hire or promote into a leadership position. 申请人, 无论是内部还是外部, must typically meet a certain level of education and experience even to be considered. 但在更小或更灵活的组织中, 这种等级制度可能没有正式建立, which can enable an individual to move into a position of leadership even if they don’t yet have experience in such a role. (对于许多启动环境来说尤其如此.)

If you find yourself suddenly and unexpectedly thrust into a position of leadership, pursuing leadership training can be an effective means of getting oriented to your new role.


Early- or mid-career professionals who are currently working as individual contributors or specialists within their department or organization stand to benefit from completing leadership training. This is especially true for anyone who has a desire to eventually move into a position of management or leadership but is unsure of how to get there. By taking a leadership course and proactively developing your leadership skills, you’re priming yourself to be ready when the opportunity arises to make a change.

该项目对投资者收费2,000美元,对非投资者收费2,500美元. 可以获得一些财政援助.


每年将选出大约24名参与者. 在线申请是第一步. A panel of judges will review applications and invite the top-scoring applicants to an in-person interview for the final selection. Interviews will be held in July and you will be notified the beginning of August if you have been selected for the 2024届毕业生.



2025年计划日期 & Details

The ELI class sessions will be held from approximately 8:30 am - 4:00 pm each day (final schedule may change). 在你申请之前,请确保你可以承诺完整的时间表.

  • 9月12日-迎新
  • 10月10日
  • 11月14日
  • 12月12日
  • 2025年1月9日
  • 2025年2月13日
  • 2025年3月13日
  • 2025年4月10日
  • 2025年5月8日——毕业


是真实的: Be genuine in your application and showcase your unique qualities, experiences, and perspectives. Authenticity is key in demonstrating your suitability for the 提升领导力学院. A strong and well-written application is powerful and compelling for the judges.

当你写申请的时候,想象一下评委不知道你是谁. Be thorough in your answers and remember this is the only opportunity for the judges to read about who you are to determine if you should move to the next round.

校对和编辑: Before submitting your application, thoroughly proofread it for any grammatical errors or typos. Consider asking a trusted friend, family member, or mentor to review your application for feedback.



申请截止日期为2024年6月17日. 扩展不可用.


The Linda Rabe Women in Leadership Scholarship was established by Elevate Rapid City in honor of Linda Rabe, 拉皮德城地区商会前主席兼首席执行官. 琳达在商会工作了三十多年, 是第一位担任首席执行官的女性吗, 在她的职业生涯中,她为其他女性在领导岗位上打破了障碍. Her dedication and commitment to bringing more women into leadership positions in the Black Hills continues to inspire to this day.

This scholarship will be awarded to a woman going through the 提升领导力学院, who shows potential as a current or future community leader and who demonstrates passion, 完整性, and a commitment to the mission of Elevate Rapid City — Elevate the Rapid City 地区 for everyone.

要申请全额学费奖学金,你需要提交你的 以利应用程序 还有奖学金申请. The application will ask for a 500-word personal 状态ment as well as a letter of recommendation.
